The small magical world of macro-proxy photography where the mystery of invisible becomes apparent...
At the very moment when the my macro lens is on the subject, the curtain rises on a new world, unrecognized, full of unexpected and enchanting details that never cease to delight my eyes every time I get to interact with it.
My approach to macro-proxy photography is above all artistic, but only after having gone through a more naturalistic first phase... This is a fairly widespread trend in the world of macro photography.
And the only way to distinguish myself from this naturalistic tendency is to compose before playing: I look for the frame and composition that is most in harmony with my vision, and the best light that will give photography that softness that generally characterizes my photographic vision.
The small world is a sensitive and poetic universe that gives itself to us with all the elegance that characterizes it.
I keep of these unique encounters each time as a soft feeling of intrinsic, cosmic connection...
"The perception of the infinitely small is the secret of clairvoyance, protection of fragile and infinitely tender is the secret of strength."
~ Lao Tseu