Photomontage © Myriam Kieffer
Photomontage © Myriam Kieffer

From a purely technical point of view, some flowers and plants macro and some of the photographs of liquid sculptures were taken with a Canon 350D with 8 million pixels. 


However, this small, unpretentious box allowed me to learn what I know today without disappointing me in the result. All other photographs were taken with a Canon 7D Mark II at 20.2 million pixels. The full format of 5,472 x 3,648 pixels at 300 dpi has been resized for the Web to 1,094 x 730 pixels at 100 dpi. 


In September 2019, I replaced the Macro 100 mm f/.2.8 lens by the Macro 100 mm f/2.8 L IS, which offers excellent sharpness and a very useful image stabilizer for handheld photography.

For the more personal aspect of my photographic approach, what could be seen as a constraint upstream turns out in fact to be an asset... of size, if I can say, because it allows me to keep almost all the original photographs in full format.


If by chance – and it can happen to me – I am not satisfied with the framing but that the photograph deserves to be cropped under penalty of being put in the closet or thrown in the dustbin, I choose to save my photo. 


When I consider a scenery, I look for the best framing as soon as the shot is taken because I absolutely want to avoid having to crop afterwards.

Les photographies diffusées sur ce site sont la propriété exclusive de leur auteur. Toute utilisation sans autorisation entraînera des poursuites.


The photographs published on this site are the exclusive property of their author. Any unauthorized use will result in prosecution.